Paul Bloom举例过去美国人对异族通婚感到厌恶,如同我们现在对特定人群/行为感到厌恶一样。 但会有反对意见称,共情(厌恶的反面)与推理有时也会把我们带入歧途。Paul Bloom则澄清,理性推理出错是因为它的假设错了,或者逻辑推导出现问题;共情之所以会演变为错误,是因为它并不公平,或仅出于个人判断,又或者违反了其他原则...
Random House, Inc. Academic Resources | Just Babies by Paul BloomJust BabiesCrown
群体中的个体保持平等,是因为人人都想尽力确保别人不会拥有过多的权力。正如我在上一本书《只是婴儿而已》( Just Babies )中所讨论的,这些小群体中有一只看不见的平等主义之手在起作用。伯姆写道:“个体足够聪明并组成更大的政治联合体,否则自己就会被置于更低级别……因为团结一心的弱者总是打击团体中更为强势的...
InHow Pleasure Works, Bloom explores the often-mysterious enjoyment that people get out of experiences such as sex, food, art and stories. InJust BabiesandAgainst Empathy, he examines the nature and origins of our sense of good and evil, and inThe Sweet Spot, he looks at the relationship ...
. Every ten minutes or so we’d stop for leech checks, and I ended up getting suckered about a half-dozen times, one of them chunky enough on my knee that when I accidentally squashed it I got a nice orange-sized bloom of a bloodstain through my wet pants. That’s going to itch...
In my living room,there is a plaque (匾) that advises me to“Bloom (开花) where you are planted.” It reminds me of Dorothy.I got to know Dorothy in the early 1980s,when I was teaching Early Childhood Development through a program with Union College in Barbourville,Kentucky.The job res...
Finally, his book Just Babies: The Origins of Good and Evil (2014) provides scientific support for babies’ sense of morality. He argues that through our uniquely human capacity for rational thought we can evolve the primitive sense of right and wrong we were born with. Bloom has also ...
Bloom Paul Just Babies: The Origins of Good and Evil. Broadway BooksNew York (2013)Oliver M Stroeh
Baby morality: a review of Just Babies: The Origins of Good and Evil by Paul BloomCrown Books, 2013 288 pps. $26.00. ISBN-13-978-0307886842 [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] ...Booker, Michael J