Rubens’s artistic and economic success cannot be explained by focusing solely on his ‘genius’, as is so often the case in the historiography of his life and oeuvre.84 Rubens is generally considered a master who was able to create the most witty and inspiring intellectual challenges with ...
255). In this case, attending separate schools means attending unequally resourced schools, which is beneficial for the future development of White students but harmful to that of Black students. The huge gap in educational resources naturally propels many parents to “join the ranks of the giant...
Epidemiologia Religions All Article TypesArticleReviewCommunicationEditorialAbstractBook ReviewBrief CommunicationBrief ReportCase ReportClinicopathological ChallengeCommentCommentaryConcept PaperConference ReportCorrectionCreativeData DescriptorDiscussionEntryEssayExpression of ConcernExtended AbstractField GuideGiants in Urology...