32 Phonics Song for Children Letters P Q R (Official Video) Sign Language with P 11:50 34 Phonics Song for Children Letters W X Y Z Sign Language Patty Shukla 15:33 35 Favorite Letter Consonant Song for Children, Kids and Toddlers Patty Shukla 02:30 36 ABC song Nursery rhyme for ...
Learn educational kidssongsfor babies, infants, toddlers and elementary students. Early childhood development music for children written by Patty Shukla of Patty’s Primary Songs. Learn counting, shapes, colors, the alphabet, right hand left hand, months of the year, days of the week, phonics, ...
Patty Shukla系列儿歌,肢体语言丰富,重复性强,容易记住单词,可以经常放给宝宝们磨耳朵,不用太多,每天放个四五次就好。家长可以跟着曲调来清唱加念读,结合歌词的意思,带着孩子们一起唱英语儿歌,跟着做动作,也是一种不错的亲子互动。孩子通过这样顺其自然地参与,慢慢他们就知道听到的英语跟某个动作是匹配的,这样一年...
“My special needs 12 yr old son LOVES your Sign with Patty Shukla dvd. He watches your videos at school when he needs a break too. His teacher at school was amazed at how closely he paid attention to what you were doing in the videos. Thank you for helping my son learn some more ...
“My special needs 12 yr old son LOVES your Sign with Patty Shukla dvd. He watches your videos at school when he needs a break too. His teacher at school was amazed at how closely he paid attention to what you were doing in the videos. Thank you for helping my son learn some more ...
来自:Patty Shukla Known for her educational, action songs and videos on YouTube with hundreds of millions of views, Patty is a classroom favorite around the world. On this album, Patty goes back to the songs of her own childhood, but puts them in her own, fun style. Miss Patty’s Jour...
简介 EFFECTIVE INTERACTIVE LEARNING THROUGH SINGING AND VIDEOS See your kids have fun and learn at the same time with Patty’s Primary Songs for Kids – a collection of children's songs and videos by Patty Shukla for elementary students, babies, infants and toddlers. ...
07 Phonics The Letter G Signing for Babies ASL Letter Sounds G Patty Shukla 07:40 08 Phonics The Letter H Signing for Babies ASL Letter Sounds H Patty Shukla 03:54 09 Phonics The Letter I Signing for Babies ASL Letter Sounds I Patty Shukla 03:58 14 Phonics The Letter N Signing for Bab...
iPad iPhone Apple TV 描述 EFFECTIVE INTERACTIVE LEARNING THROUGH SINGING AND VIDEOS See your kids have fun and learn at the same time with Patty’s Primary Songs for Kids – a collection of children's songs and videos by Patty Shukla for elementary students, babies, infants and toddlers. ...