【230集】零基础英语启蒙 专业TPR儿歌真人外教 Patty Shukla Kids 12播放 获取全集+微信327311390 03:47 02 Phonics The Letter B Signing for Babies ASL Letter Sounds B Patty Shukla 04:12 03 Phonics The Letter C Signing for Babies ASL Letter Sounds C Patty Shukla 08:22 04 Phonics The Letter D...
果妈学习资源 嗨,朋友!迫不及待要分享给你这个资源,相信能满足你的小期待~ 快戳[B2065-Patty Shukla Kids儿歌【公众号-果妈好物社】]查看~ 你觉得这个资源怎么样,还有没有其他想要的资源呀?
16 Learn to Read Phonics for Kids English Blending Words Th Patty Shukla是Patty Shukla Kids儿歌 自然拼读的第36集视频,该合集共计78集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
Apple TV 简介 EFFECTIVE INTERACTIVE LEARNING THROUGH SINGING AND VIDEOS See your kids have fun and learn at the same time with Patty’s Primary Songs for Kids – a collection of children's songs and videos by Patty Shukla for elementary students, babies, infants and toddlers. ...
interactive, call & response-style song structure. While most of her videos are about a single song, she does create longer compilation episodes (often called: Patty Shukla Kids TV) that are like a TV show (only without any commercials) as well as presenting even longer playlists of videos....
Patty began writing children’s songs as she played with her kids. Word got out and the following month, Shukla was asked to perform a concert at a local gym for families and children of all ages. “As I began to prepare for the show, I realized that I could incorporate my own ...
Here We Go Looby Loo (English kids song recorded by Patty Shukla)_纯音频文件_纯 189 2015-10 6 I Can Do It by Patty Shukla (Children's Action Song)_纯音频文件_纯音频输出 422 2015-10 7 I Like To Dance! Kids song by Patty Shukla_纯音频文件_纯音频输出 ...
4 -- 1:56 App LearntoReadPhonicsforKidsEnglishBlendingWordsSpPattyShukla-tHFNNAh4FII.mp4 22 -- 7:00 App Little.Charley.Bear.S01E17.Castaway.Charley.avi 4 -- 2:01 App LearntoReadPhonicsforKidsEnglishBlendingWordsThPattyShukla-ixX5WupWwnc.mp4内...
【230集】零基础英语启蒙 专业TPR儿歌真人外教 Patty Shukla Kids 64播放 获取全集+微信327311390 03:47 02 Phonics The Letter B Signing for Babies ASL Letter Sounds B Patty Shukla 04:12 03 Phonics The Letter C Signing for Babies ASL Letter Sounds C Patty Shukla 08:22 04 Phonics The Letter D...
Apple TV 描述 EFFECTIVE INTERACTIVE LEARNING THROUGH SINGING AND VIDEOS See your kids have fun and learn at the same time with Patty’s Primary Songs for Kids – a collection of children's songs and videos by Patty Shukla for elementary students, babies, infants and toddlers. ...