to support school psychologists in California in electing to use a process known as Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses (PSW) as one of three methods specified in IDEA 2014 and California Code of Regulations, Title 5, to identify students being assessed for Specific Learning Disability (SLD). ...
Lines 17 and 18 replace the invocation on ’this’ by an invocation on the parameter. Finally, the predicate object based inheritance invokes the two transformations in the proper order. 2.3 Assessment of LMP In this section we assess the strengths and weaknesses of LMP with respect to some ...
Pattern of strengths and weaknesses (PSW)Cross-battery assessmentSpecific learning disability (SLD)Discrepancy modelInter-model agreementInter-assessor diagnostic consistencyThe Individuals with Disabilities Education Act allows three methods of determining whether a student qualifies for special education as a...
In this section we assess the strengths and weaknesses of LMP with respect to some desirable properties of program transformation systems. Uni,ed analysis and transformation. Program transformation needs prior program analysis. In all but the simplest cases, analysis is necessary to determine where a...
Interviews with professionals, experts and farmers, urged to provide insights into production, processing and marketing of olive oil on the domestic and international markets, provided further considerations over strengths and weaknesses of the sector with a major focus to place-specific development ...