例如,有的写作老师会称之为elements of writing、patterns of organization、patterns of development等。 但不管叫什么,其核心都是指文章的organization和development:作者通过什么方法来展开文章。 结合市面上各类写作工具的介绍,我对常用的写作方法作了如下10类总结: 定义法-definition; 因果法-cause and effect; 比较...
This pattern of development explains not just what something means, but also what something does, what something is used for, what something looks like, etc. Description Narration Definition Problem and Solution 4. Multiple Choice 30 sec 1 pt This pattern of development is the method by which...
They identified “topoi,” or patterns, which were those general features shared in any idea or argument regardless of the content of that argument, including definition, relationship, and/or division. For instance, ancient rhetoricians might ask “Is the argument about a definition?” If they d...
Analysis of the spatial and temporal structure of global island colonization allows us to frame the extent of insular human cultural diversity, model the i
Definition Exclamation Marks Figurative Language Figures of Speech Graphic Organizers Homophones Idioms Interjections Lesson Plan Temp. Main Ideas Metaphors Nouns Onomatopoeia Organizational Patt. Parallel Structure Periods Plot Poetry Point of View Prefixes Prepositions Pronouns Pun...
Peter recalls: “We spent a few months working together on the conceptual model. In the early stages of software development, however, Alan looked at what I’d written and said, “I wouldn’t do it that way at all!”, throwing it all away and starting over. The result was much ...
Containers are still an active part of Microsoft enterprise development strategy today. In fact, if you're writing .NET-based code, you're already using a container to deploy your application: the .NET common language runtime (CLR). The CLR performs a wide variety of important tasks at run...
What happens when you find out midway through a project that something about the definition of a single data field needs to be changed? In far too many cases, that small change to the database will ripple through your application as you make an analogous change to various parts of the ...
Birds of a feather: How personality influences blog writing and reading The rapid development of blogs as a social networking tool has greatly increased the number of people who are expressing themselves in text published onlin... J Li,M Chignell - International Journal of Human - Computer Studie...
IBM approached the development of a PC for consumers with an open approach, where it outsourced most components to other players (this in part also to antitrust concerns).This strategy in the long-term generated a whole new set of markets, industries, and tech players (Microsoft, Intel, and...