Birds are a different thing to design than furry animals. For birds, my goal isn’t to make them perfectly realistic, but more a representation of their character and beauty. My cardinal has become an elegant and sturdy crochet bird. I exaggerated the crest and chose a sitting posture, so...
For oviparous species such as birds, these hormones are transferred from female to egg during follicle maturation, and differences in relative and absolute concentrations of the steroid hormones may reflect differences in life history, developmental, and ecological conditions. Prior work on yolk steroid...
Bird watchers, this one is for you! Feed the birds on your way to a cozy lakeside fire and enjoy the snowy lake and mountains too! Read more aboutSnow Birds. The Witchy Ladies The Witchy Ladies have come to town! Start your visit at the “Magic Hats” to find the perfect pair of ...
Firstly, the "Lotus -boy" pattern embodies Chinese ancestors' desire for off springs. To Confucians, "having no male heir is the gravest of the three cardinal offences against filial p iety." The doctrine of "family reproduction, the transmission of incense" is put in the first place in ...
steroid hormonesyolkSteroid hormones play critical organizational and activational roles during vertebrate development, impacting everything from sexual differentiation to metabolic activity. For oviparous species such as birds, these hormones are transferred from female to egg during follicle maturation, and...
Wild birds were the most frequently fed upon host, in particular northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis L. Passeriformes: Cardinalidae), which are competent WNV reservoirs. Taken together, our results demonstrate the utility of zoos as sentinels for emerging pathogens, for studying wildlife and ...
Birds deposited the highest number of seeds/ha under the canopy of cone-bearing trees. Mesocarnivores were responsible for the highest average seed deposition in all other habitats. In juniper cone-bearing tree habitats, birds deposited seeds in 100% of plots under-canopy and 93% of plots out...
The effect of temperature on the developmental rate of wheat was described by cardinal temperatures in Wang and Engel [30], indicating both a temperature range as well as an optimal cardinal temperature for maximum plant growth. However, the use of such a rate function of the temperature ...