[ "prettier --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern --cache --parser=typescript --write" ]: 这是一个数组,其中包含了针对匹配到的.ts和.tsx文件所执行的命令字符串。 这个命令分解开来含义如下: prettier: 指定使用Prettier工具对匹配的文件进行格式化。 --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern: 如果没有找到匹配此glob...
Zhang Y, Xu M, Chen H, Adams J (2009) Global pattern of NPP to GPP ratio derived from MODIS data: effects of ecosystem type, geographical location and climate. Glob Ecol Biogeogr 18:280–290Zhang, Y.; Xu, M.; Chen, H.; Adams, J. Global pattern of NPP to GPP ratio derived from...
{ "global_watch": [ // << an array of glob paths, defining files needed to watch. "./src/components/**/*.scss", "./src/views/**/*.scss" ], "bundles": [ // << an array of objects, where every object is a bundle. { "entry": "./src/main.scss", // the bundle entry...
Glob J Med Public Health. 2012;1:24-27.Jayarama N, Reddy M, Lakshmaiah V. Prevalence and pattern of dys- lipidemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in a rural tertiary care centre, southern India. Glob J Med Public Health. 2012;1:24-8....
Zhang Y, Xu M, Chen H, Adams J (2009) Global pattern of NPP to GPP ratio derived from MODIS data: effects of ecosystem type, geographical location and climate. Glob Ecol Biogeogr 18:280-290Y. Q. Zhang, M. Xu, H. Chen, and J. Adams, "Global pattern of NPP to GPP ratio derived...