模式名称(Pattern Name):每一个模式都有自己的名字,模式的名字使得我们可以讨论我们的设计。问题(Problem):在面 … baike.baidu.com|基于558个网页 2. 图式名称 ...History(历史单元)窗口,选择理想的图式,在图式名称(Pattern Name)对话框中命名后,就可存储在图式库中,可使用Patte… ...
Pattern* p = patterns_.first();if(p ==NULL) Messenger::print("No patterns defined for model '%s'.", qPrintable(name_));else{ Messenger::print("Pattern info for model '%s':", qPrintable(name_)); Messenger::print(" ID NMols StartId EndId Name Forcefield");while(p !=NULL) { ...
public static string PatternName (System.Windows.Automation.AutomationPattern pattern); 参数 pattern AutomationPattern 控件模式的标识符。 返回 String 控件模式的友好名称;如果找不到指定的模式,则为空引用(在 Visual Basic 中为 Nothing)。 示例 以下示例显示 支持 AutomationElement的每个控件模式的名称。...
Analysing Ontological Structures through Name Pattern Tracking Summary: Concept naming over the taxonomic structure is a useful indicator of the quality of design as well as source of information exploitable for various tasks such as ontology refactoring and mapping. We analysed collections of OWL o.....
said persons so present whosenamestands first in the register of members in respect of such [...] equitynet.com.hk equitynet.com.hk (3) 倘屬任何股份之聯名登記持有人,其中任何一名持有人均可親自或委派代表於任何股東大 會上就所持股份投票,猶如彼為單獨持有股份,惟倘超過一名聯名持有人親自或委派代...
定义 命名空间: Microsoft.Solutions.FinancialServices.SWIFT.MRSR.Interfaces 程序集: Microsoft.Solutions.FinancialServices.SWIFT.MRSR.Interfaces.dll C# publicstringName {get;set; } 属性值 String 适用于 产品版本 bts-swift-dotnetbts-swift-dotnet
NamePattern(java.lang.String rawFileName) Constructs a new NamePattern object. Method Summary java.lang.String expand() This method is exposed to other classes for them to call. java.lang.String getFileNameFromEgate() Gets the original working file name (used for pattern %f). long get...
、方法名匹配(name-pattern)、参数匹配((param-pattern))、异常类型匹配(throws-pattern?), … www.cnblogs.com|基于25个网页 2. 名字模式 除了返回值类型模式(ret-type-pattern),名字模式(name-pattern)和参数模式(param-pattern)以外,其他部分都是可选 … book.51cto.com|基于4个网页...
username = asManyOfPattern(identifier +".") + identifier; domain = optionalPattern(namedPattern(subdomain) +".") +...domainName +"."+...namedPattern(tld); Combine all of the patterns into a single pattern expression. UsenamedPatternto assignusername,domain, andemailPatternto named patterns....
When determining the pattern for the dump data set names, consider any automation tools you may have at your installation that work on dump data sets. Also, the automatic allocation function requires you to include the &SEQ. sequence number symbol in your data set name pattern to guarantee uni...