Draws a rectangle into the target device context, and then fills the rectangle with the specified pattern and color.
In ASP.NET MVC, this is the place for ORM or Data Access frameworks to do their magic. Views: Views are essentially templates to generate the final HTML at runtime. Though, we say HTML, we could potentially return other types of Views like PDFs etc. Controller: The class that manages ...
Refactoring_2_Patter 上传者:magic1224时间:2008-01-23 重构与模式(Refactoring to patterns).part09.rar 一共12个包,全下载解压 本书开创性地深入揭示了重构与模式这两种软件开发关键技术之间的联系,说明了通过重构实现模式改善既有的设计,往往优于在新的设计早期使用模式。本书不仅展示了一种应用模式和重构的创...
L_FastMagicWand L_FeatherAlphaBlendBitmap L_FeedInfo L_FeedLoad L_FFTBitmap L_FileConvert L_FileInfo L_FileInfoMemory L_FileMetaDataItemsSupported L_FillBitmap L_FillBitmap2 L_FlipBitmap L_FlipBitmapViewPerspective L_FormatSupportsMultipageSave L_FragmentBitmap L_FrameBitmapRgn L_FreeBitmap...