必应词典为您提供Pattern-Day-Trader的释义,网络释义: 惯性当日交易者;惯性当日冲销交易者;典型当日冲销交易者;
不过要做到美股T+0是需要满足一定条件的。这是因为频繁的交易可能会让没有经验的小额投资者很快损失掉资本,为了避免这种风险,美国证监会(SEC)制定了PDT (Pattern Day Trader)规则,对小额投资者的日内交易做出了限制。 美国证监会规定在五个交易日内如有四次或以上的日内交易(Day Trade),且这些买卖占到同期总交易次...
美国证监会规定在五个交易日内如有四次或以上的日内交易(Day Trade),且这些买卖占到同期总交易次数的6%或以上,即被认为是典型日内交易者(Pattern Day Trader)。 典型日内交易者的帐户资产(包括现金、股票或其它合规资产)必须达到$25,000。如果投资者交易行为满足了日内交易者的定义,而其帐户资产低于$25,000,则股...
pattern day trader 词条 pattern day trader 专业释义 <金融>当日冲销交易者 词条提问
作为小型投资者保护议程的一部分,美国金融业监管局(FINRA)和纽约证券交易所(NYSE)建立了监管机制,用以限制那些可以在小额资本账户中进行的交易数量,尤其是净清算价值低于25,000美元的账户。 即日交易(T+0):当日买和卖同一支股票,买进一支股票再在同一天之内卖出算一次即日交易。 典型即日交易者的帐户资产(...
Pattern Day Trader rule is a designation from the SEC that is given to traders who make four or more day trades in their account over a five-day period.
If you trade actively in a margin account, then it might just be a matter of time before you stumble across the pattern day trader (PDT) rules. But if you’re like many semi-active investors, triggering the PDT alarm could be accidental. Maybe: ...
Pattern Day Trade Protection alerts you when you're about to place a 4th day trade. This feature will give you the option to proceed with the 4th trade, or cancel it to avoid being marked as a pattern day trader. For more details, check out Pattern Day Trade Protection. ...
(6% of $5,000), they can be designated a pattern day trader. So it’s easy to see how the 6% rule can quickly come into play. It’s also worth mentioning that these are the bare minimum requirements. Each brokerage can also set its own bar as to what qualifies as pattern day ...
A pattern day trader (PDT) is a regulatory designation for those traders or investors who execute four or moreday tradesover the span of five business days using amargin account. The number of day trades must constitute more than 6% of the margin account’s total trade activity during that ...