CRRC PATS Engaged in monorail, APM and RRT and other low-volume rubber-wheeled rail transit vehicles and systems.
Service E-mail: Partner Website: http://www.crrcgc.ccParent Company Introduction Zhongche Nanjing Puzhen Vehicle Co., Ltd. CNR Nanjing Puzhen Vehicle Co., Ltd. is a core enterprise of CNR. It is mainly engaged in the manufacture of urban...
张剑炜,1982年毕业于天津大学内燃机专业,1991年获得加拿大蒙特利尔大学的工商管理硕士学位(MBA),1996年获得蒙特利尔大学管理博士学位(PhD)。 1995年加入庞巴迪,历任庞巴迪运输集团副总裁、庞巴迪中国总裁,现任庞巴迪中国董事长兼庞巴迪运输中国总裁。担任多家董事会的董事并且是多家专业杂志的常务理事和顾问委员会的成员。在加...
About CRRC PATS CRRC Puzhen Alstom Transportation System Co., Ltd. is a professional company engaged in the design, production, integration and sales of mid-low capacity rubber tyred rail transit vehicles and systems such as monorail, APM and RRT in China. The company has the ability to ...
香港机场3RS的APM系统是一个独立的2.6公里的环形APM线路,连接APM换乘站AIS(2号航站楼附近)与东站TRC-East,包含两座车站、三条轨道和一座车辆段,计划2024年6月底开通。 线路配备6列6编组APM车(具备相邻两辆车之间的乘客紧急疏散功能,每一列的其中1辆车与剩余5辆车之间配有隔间门);...
近日,中车浦镇阿尔斯通运输系统有限公司(简称“PATS”)与香港机场管理局AAHK签署了香港国际机场“3601三跑道新捷运线工程(TRC线)”项目运营和维保合同,根据合同约定PATS将为香港机场用户提供车辆、核心机电总包等供货范围内持续时间三年的运营和维保服务。 这条全长2.6公里(三轨道),设两个车站的全自动旅客捷运线预计将...
上海8号线三期APM 8号线三期工程起于沈杜公路站,与8号线二期工程换乘衔接,止于汇臻路站并预留向西延伸条件。线路自新建的沈杜公路站引出后先沿既有8号线区间东侧向南走行,后转向东并沿浦江镇停车场北侧走行,至三鲁公路后转向南,在穿越S32高速公路之后沿三鲁公路走行,
In order to let good samaritans better understand the development of mid-low-capacity rail transit, the reception staff of PATS introduced the development of rail transit, the planning and industrial implementation of rail transit in Wuhu City, especially the advantages and prospects of mid-low-...
Telephone:0553-5809188 Address: No. 69 Mengxi Road, Wuhu Economic and Technological Development ZoneAbout For more information, please scan the public number of Alstom WeChat in Zhongche Puzhen! Service E-mail: Partner Website: http://www.crrcgc...