Patrix resource pack reminds us a bit ofOptimum Realism, which you can also download for free from our website. Both packs try to make Minecraft look like a next-gen game. For example, the leaves have a lot of details now and are rendered with a 3D effect. Additionally, the leaves ad...
Patrix texture pack is a free package of visuals for Minecraft. All you need is the latest version of Optifine HD as well as Minecraft 1.19 or 1.18. New
Patrix Texture Pack for Minecraft • 免费下载(256x、128x、64x、32x) 3.2万播放 最新SEUS PTGI HRR 3光影汉化 9.2万播放 华硕Z790主板DDR5内存超频详细教程 12.7万播放 怎么防止别人蹭网?隐藏自己wifi网络信号教程 13.0万播放 【教程向】跟老婆们在电脑上做羞羞的事 9.4万播放 【SAO】3D菜单真的不是梦?!
Patrix Texture Pack for Minecraft • 免费下载(256x、128x、64x、32x) 1966 -- 0:39 App Patrix 128x体验 8063 4 1:18 App 【MC材质对比】rotrblocks VS patrix,你更喜欢哪个?(附下载) 7765 2 1:45 App Patrix材质包 1.20 41.2万 156 1:42 App 我的世界知名材质包《Patrix》演示,(支持1....
Minecraft 1.19 Release R 1.19.4 Jun 2, 2023 Release R 1.19.3 Apr 2, 2023 Release R 1.19.2 Feb 2, 2023 Due to the amount of extra textures, this pack issignificantly heavier than other packs at th...
Ultimate Immersion材质包展示(выставкапакетаматериалов) Ultimate immersion+SEUS PTGI E12软光追 patrix材质包+顶级光影itt3.0纯生存表现,复古感和氛围感加成的生存会怎样呢?帧数30 我的世界Patrix材质包 256x 4K 60FPS 我终于玩到了真光线追踪 【光追】让网易看看什么是天花板...
The highpoly sculpts are separated into parts according to the lowpoly model so it’s easier for texture baking. The phantom design was mostly inspired from StarCraft zergs and various other creature designs. My minecraft resourcepack custom-made for shaders: ...
Been busy making my minecraft resourcepack in the past couple years. And in the course of it I’ve made several highpoly sculpt + texture work just for baking realistic textures for various mobs. The highpoly sculpts are separated into parts according to the lowpoly model so it’s easier ...
This resourcepack iscustom-made for shaders, so the textures might look weird if you aren't using any shaders or shaders that doesn't supportall of the featuresor normal/specular mapping. The pack focuses onlarge scale texture tiling / randomization using various optifine-format featuresinstead...
【MC】当你把光影的植物摆动调到最大 Fspree RTX 5080 在MC基岩版光追的表现 Aurora_Borea1is Derivative光影,沉寂在雨天中的孤独 初霖ss 00:45 这技术不比那破光追好? 大丸子汤姆猫 11.8万152 娜娜莉薄荷 【Minecraft建筑教程】如何制作池塘 烨梵天