Everyone Deserves To Feel Confident & Beautiful Everyday. A NEW Beauty Brand Created By @PatrickTa #MAJORGLOW
闪亮体验 💄 化妆师Patrick Ta推出的全新唇蜜系列,专为追求光泽感的女性设计,带来由内而外的肌肤光彩。这个系列名为major glow,以其独特的光泽感和高闪度受到广泛关注。🌈 这款唇蜜的亮点在于其轻盈的质地,完全不粘腻,甚至比兰芝的唇膜更清爽。涂抹后,嘴唇显得非常水润、多汁,仿佛拥有嘟嘟唇的效果。由于其不...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现Patrick Ta Major Glow高光身体油A Dream/She's thirsty定妆喷雾的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于Patrick Ta Major Glow高光身体油A Dream/She's thirsty定妆喷雾的信息,请来
在淘宝,您不仅能发现美国 Patrick Ta Major Glow 高光喷雾 身体高光油 高光刷 定妆扇的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于美国 Patrick Ta Major Glow 高光喷雾 身体高光油 高光刷 定妆扇的信息,请来
Major Glow身体高光油 先来感受下这个身体油,透过玻璃瓶身,仿佛里面装着一片银河,亮片型的细闪,质感像碎钻一般闪耀。 成份中富含了滋养橄榄油和角鲨烷,该配方可增强水分,不会有油腻的附着感,虽说是油,感受却是水水的。 Patrick Ta为糖糖在Met Gala的造型中用的就是这个身体油。 这款身体油总共有三个色号:...
Patrick Ta 是世界知名化妆师,他以水润光泽的特色妆容出名,同名彩妆品牌 Patrick Ta Beauty 主打的就是Major Glow光泽感妆. Patrick塌是美国最当红的化妆师之一,同时还是La Mer的彩妆总监还是啥职位,他标志性的妆容就是油光锃亮但是同时又妆感很自然的底妆,和Insta上的牛鬼蛇神和JLo那种出了舞台吓死人的极限contour...
Patrick Ta Beauty in Action Vegan Cruelty Free Fragrance Free Your new go-to foundation, this duo gives Major Skin in one sleek, convenient compact. Flexible polymer blend, soft-focus blurring powders, transparent pigments, and glow-enhancing emollients helps minimize the appearance of pores and ...
Shop PATRICK TA‘s Major Glow All-Over Glow Balm at Sephora. This moisturizing face and body gloss creates a decadent, glass-like glow.
Regarded as Hollywood's most esteemed make up artist, PATRICK TA is renowned for bestowing celebrities with the dewiest of looks. Launching his eponymous brand in 2019, the founder allows you to get that A-list glow from the comfort of your own home. Meet the Major Dimension II Rose Eyeshad...
A MAJOR GLOW LEWK @gigihadid For Tommy X Zendaya Tonight In Paris . Hair By @jennifer_yepez Makeup By @patrickta One Of My Favs So Far Paris Fashion Week A post shared byMakeup Artist Patrick Ta(@patrickta) on 自創彩妝品牌 Patrick Ta 但不滿足感於當明星化妝師,今年初還創立自家的化妝品...