In 1984, he landed the role of Gurney Halleck in the film "Dune," directed by David Lynch. "Star Trek" Patrick landed the role of Captain Jean-Luc Picard in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" in 1987. At the time, he was an unknown British actor living out of a suitcase because he...
Cornered and captured in Gloucestershire, the captain is taken to some woods and lynched by Gowan, only to be saved in the nick of time by a young boy named Francis (Keith Jayne). Now Captain Jack swears revenge upon Gowan and his gang … Starring Roy Boyd, Keith Jayne, Bernard Kay an...
One person is worth 35 years and three children and their mother is only worth five years a piece if they let him out,'' she said."Where's the sense in our laws?"The things (Mitchell) did were beyond belief." feel so much hatred. Why kill two helpless little girls and do what ...