The Patriarchs, the Bible tells us, lived several centuries, according to individuals. This is the primary meaning of the word patriarch: a very old person, but always fit, because the exceptional longevity was accompanied bya stunning youth. At four hundred, they were sixty. Take me: I’m...
The ancient view of these dual solar cycles, was based on line-of-sight relationships, even as zodiacal signs and eclipses only hold meaning from an earth-axis viewpoint. Over time this devolved into the view that the earth was the literal center of creation, forming the basis of later ...
Jacob- (Old Testament) son of Isaac; brother of Esau; father of the twelve patriarchs of Israel; Jacob wrestled with God and forced God to bless him, so God gave Jacob the new name of Israel (meaning `one who has been strong against God') ...
Did you ever realise that in the entire Bible it doesn’t say anywhere “to go to church on Sunday?” But Jesus DID give some other very direct commandments that are kind of ignored by those who stress church attendance, like “GO into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creat...
Genesis, the first book of the Bible. Its name derives from the opening words: “In the beginning….” Genesis narrates the primeval history of the world (chapters 1–11) and the patriarchal history of the Israelite people (chapters 12–50). The primeval