The meaning of PATRIARCH is one of the scriptural fathers of the human race or of the Hebrew people. How to use patriarch in a sentence.
the male head of a family or tribal line. a person regarded as the father or founder of an order, class, etc. any of the very early Biblical personages regarded as the fathers of the human race, comprising those from Adam to Noahantediluvian patriarchsand those between the Deluge and the...
The meaning of PATRIARCHY is social organization marked by the supremacy of the father in the clan or family, the legal dependence of wives and children, and the reckoning of descent and inheritance in the male line; broadly : control by men of a disprop
1.(Anthropology & Ethnology) the male head of a tribe or family. Comparematriarch2 2.a very old or venerable man 3.(Bible)Old Testamentany of a number of persons regarded as the fathers of the human race, divided into the antediluvian patriarchs, from Adam to Noah, and the postdiluvian...
The father and ruler of a family; one who governs his family or descendants by paternal right; usually applied to heads of families in ancient history, especially in Biblical and Jewish history to those who lived before the time of Moses. 2. (R. C. Ch. & Gr. Ch.) A dignitary superi...
Built bythefamily patriarchin1914 (the same year Andy Warhol’s father moved to Pittsburgh from Slovakia), the home had [...] 他们的住房由族长在1914年(安迪·沃霍尔的父亲同年从斯洛伐克迁居匹兹堡)建成,一楼是家族用来做生意的门面,曾经改装成百货 店和肉铺;...
noun The male head of a tribal line or family. noun any of the early biblical characters regarded as fathers of the human race noun a man who is older and higher in rank than yourself noun the male head of family or tribe noun title for the heads of the Eastern Orthodox Churc...
out of family relations, before the formation of nations properly so called, and the establishment of regular government; and by the "patriarchal dispensation" the communion into which God was pleased to enter with the families of Seth, Noah, and Abraham, before the call of the chosen people....
Karl Marx, born in a Christian Jewish family, originator of Communism. Onhis deathbed surrounded by candles burning to Lucifer, screamed at his nurse who asked him if he had any last words: “Go on, get out! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough.” ...
Daruma is a votive symbol for people wishing for the well-being of the family and flourishing business. People bring their Daruma figures once a year (on Feb. 3) to the temple, express gratitude to them, and buy new ones for the next one year. The numbers of old Daruma figures are ...