Invited from a friend, we got a great museum tour personally guided by the "Curator" ! We have been surprised and overwhelmed what he told us - good to know, when you did not touch this are of this city before. Very informative, nice made !Another part of Bangkok - you should v...
总之,Patpong博物馆里有着很多你想看的,了解的曼谷经济、娱乐、军事的发展史,绝对不虚此行!名称:Patpong Museum 地址:5, 2 Thanon Patpong 1, Suriya Wong, Bang Rak, Bangkok 10500 门票:350泰铢0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 雨馨盐柔椰3岁 2024-12-03 丹东断桥:历史交汇点在鸭绿江上,有一座...全文 ...
你可能或多或少都聽過,曼谷紅燈區之一就在 Silom 一條叫 Patpong 的小巷之內,入面燈紅酒綠,紫醉金迷,多年以來一直吸引了不少東西方遊客探秘尋幽 今日並不是為大家帶來紅燈區指南,而是要介紹裡面一個小型博物館 Patpong Museum 有人的地方就有欲望,有欲望就會衍生不同的生意買賣;假如我們放下有色眼鏡,踏入這間...
Patpong Museumพิพิธภัณฑ์พัฒน์พงษ์ 2.4 热度 永久停业 已停业,如恢复营业请截屏反馈 实用攻略 Bldg# 5 Patpong Soi 2, Bang Rak Opposite Foodland super market, right under the glass bridge., 曼谷 泰国 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条...
Patpong Museum: No.5, 2 Floor, Patpong Soi 2 Address: Bangrak, Bangkok, 10500 查看圖片 目前不提供此活動 發掘曼谷地道活動 按此查看原文(AI翻譯由提供) 頁面顯示AI翻譯資訊,內容如有歧異,請以原文為準 Explore the Patpong Museum, covering 100 years of history of Bangkok's most famous red light di...
Patpong Museum ByThe_Munchmaster, October 22, 2019inArts and Culture Share More sharing options... Followers0 Prev 1 2 3 4 Page 4 of 4 Old Hippie Board Sponsors 22.1k LocationSurin/San Francisco PostedMay 27, 2023 I am a member and the chit system still applies....
The latest in the saga of the closed bars in Patpong soi 2 continues, but this week there might be good news. Word is that the Museum of Patpong may well reopen. Nothing concrete yet, and more as I hear it….but there is genuine optimism. ...
2018年,Michael卖掉了所有的娱乐生意,把精力都专注在帕蓬博物馆(Patpong Museum),希望透过这个博物馆把泰国过去100年内所发生的故事都分享给大家。当一切都准备就绪,帕蓬博物馆也于2019年10月底开幕的时候,没想到会有一场疫情即将爆发。 对于Patpong的发展,作为性产业的经营者Michael是极有发言权的(VISION THAI 看见...
Nestled in the heart of Songkhla,Pipatpong Hoteloffers easy access to a plethora of cultural landmarks and attractions. Immerse yourself in the rich history of the region by visiting the nearby National Museum, which showcases a fascinating collection of artifacts and exhibits that highlight the ...
Chinese roots:A hand-carved, hardwood Chinese Moon Gate adorns the Patpong Museum's entrance. Richard S. Ehrlich Plastic ears:"Five ears, human ears, cut off and assembled on a chain so you could wear it on a necklace or something. These are made out of rubber," says the museum's fou...