After you’ve visited it at least once, theText to ASCII Art Generator (TAAG)will now work even when you don’t have an internet connection. I had a user request this, so I figured I’d add it in for them and anyone else out there who may want to use the app offline. ...
Text ASCII Art Generator– A web app that lets you type in large ASCII Art text lettering. This can create art you can put in your email signature, on your webpage, etc etc. Typing Speed Test– How fast can you type? Social Media Showdown!– Who’s more popular on the web? Various...
Example ArchiveGamesScrolling Text Time WasterSnakeSlider PuzzlesAppsGradient Image GeneratorImage to Color Palette GeneratorKeyboard Layout AnalyzerOld School Gaming FiltersText Color FaderText to ASCII Art GeneratorTyping Speed TestBlogsCracking MaGuS's Fate Zero EncryptionPronouncing SQL: S-Q-L or Sequa...
This solves the issue of letting users know that an app’s URL will work even when they don’t have an internet connection. This is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for! To try it out, I decided to create hosted apps of my Text to ASCII Art Generator and JavaScript Snake ...
the height of its popularity the site was getting between 1000-2000 visitors per day. However, I stopped releasing programs and programming examples around 2001 (due to college life and an annoyance and disinterest in the AOL prog scene) and the site’s popularity began to dwindle significantly...
After you’ve visited it at least once, theText to ASCII Art Generator (TAAG)will now work even when you don’t have an internet connection. I had a user request this, so I figured I’d add it in for them and anyone else out there who may want to use the app offline. ...
I was linking to my (real life) friend David’s site, but he hasn’t updated it in 7 months and it’s mostly just for his personal photos anyway.Software More TAAG Updates June 12, 2007 Last night I made two major updates made to the Text Ascii Art Generator: –A whole crap ...
There are still two ads on the site, the Google Custom Search box on this blog’s sidebar, and an ad on theText Ascii Art Generator (TAAG). The search box is actually functionally useful and the ad on TAAG will still allow a little bit of change to trickle into the site. I don’...
New YouTube Channel I’ve started aYouTube channel. So far I’ve only created a few videos, and I’m still trying to figure out what I want the channel to center around, though below you can see a couple of the videos I’ve created....
Text to ASCII Art Generator Text Color Fader Typing Speed Test 179 Ways to Annoy People Scrolling Text Time Waster JavaScript Snake Popular Entries Cracking MaGuS's Fate Zero Encryption Pronouncing SQL: S-Q-L or Sequel? Was Mark Zuckerberg an AOL Add-on Developer? JavaScript BBCode Parser TheDr...