How to say patio in Spanish - Translation of patio to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. Example sentences: there's a patio in the center of the apartment complex
Spanish English Dictionary - patioin English: 1. farmyard Tony and his mother arrived at the farmhouse and walked through the farmyard. Flies high the cow and low the cattle, a twister does the farmyard rattle. English word "patio"(farmyard) occurs in sets: ...
1.(Architecture) an open inner courtyard, esp one in a Spanish or Spanish-American house 2.(Architecture) an area adjoining a house, esp one that is paved and used for outdoor activities [C19: from Spanish: courtyard] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ...
from Spanish patio probably from Old Provençal patu, pati "untilled land, communal pasture," from Latin pactum "agreement, contract, covenant," noun use of neuter past participle of pacisci "to covenant, to agree, make a treaty" (according to Watkins from PIE root *pag- "to fasten")....
Spanish, Old Spanish: courtyard, perh. origin, originally open area; compare Medieval Latin patium meadow, pasturage, perh. derivative of Latin *patitus, past participle of patēre to lie open. See patent 1820–30, American. Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: pa...
Spanish Health & Wellness Sunbathing area Public Areas Elevator No smoking in public areas Smoking area Vending machines Cleaning Services Laundry service (on-site) Additional charge Ironing service Additional charge Clothes dryer Business Services Conference room Additional charge Business ...
Had not been here in a couple of years, only due to the fact it's not in my neighborhood. Two of us arrived on a Monday night for dinner, not a packed house, but busy enough for early dinner on a Monday. The menu is pretty standard, Americanized, mexican fare, but...
西班牙文 英文 Duncan caminó por eljunto a ellos, cargando la bolsa con la ropa. Duncan stumped through the muddybeside them, carrying the bag of clothes. Literature Y en ello seguía pensando cuando entré en elpatio de la granjade Edward Wiggin. ...
Languages spoken English French German Italian Spanish Internet access Free Wi-Fi in all rooms! unavailableFree Wi-Fi in all rooms! Internet services Things to do, ways to relax Hot tub Massage On-site entertainment Sauna Tennis court Ticket services Tours Cleanliness and safety Anti-viral cleani...
English Filipino French German Hindi Italian Japanese Korean Portuguese Russian Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish VietnameseGARDEN PORTFOLIO (Brochure) Our GARDEN PATIO (Garden Center) BROCHURE with all of the domains in this portfolio listed that are for sale. A very unique group of PREMIUM QUALITY DOMAI...