而Aduana Vieja则是享受地道西班牙美食的好去处。此外,Cafe de Estraperlo和Cafe Madrid也是休闲聚餐的绝佳选择。周边购物地标帕提奥韦奇精选酒店周围有许多购物地标。您可以前往Marin Galy、Deportes La Trucha、El Yeti、Intersport和Terramar等商店,购买各种商品。如果您对茶叶感兴趣,可以去Golden Tips店选购。而Tes、...
a bakery that offers a wide array of freshly baked bread and pastries. And for a truly unique dining experience, Restaurante Casa La Vieja is a must-visit, housed in a beautifully restored Canarian house and serving up traditional dishes with a modern twist. With such a diverse range of re...
Pronto Septimus empujó la vieja puerta lateral de madera que conducía al patio de la torre. Soon Septimus pushed open the old wooden side gate that led into the courtyard of the Tower. Literature Dentro, usted verá que unos maravillos techos de madera tallados y un patio de mármol...
upscale shopping at La Isla Shopping Village, and the thrilling Xtasea zip line. Nature lovers can explore the Acapulco Botanical Garden and the picturesque Capilla de la Paz. Golf enthusiasts will appreciate the nearby Tres Vidas Golf Club, while families can enjoy CICI Water Park and El Rollo...