CMACs patient transfer services are either outsourced by G4S, who deploy taxis throughout the UK to transport patients, or directly for NHS trusts. Our single-source solution is easy to use, and our approved and vetted supply chain ensures we can deliver an enhanced duty of care for patients...
Define out-patient. out-patient synonyms, out-patient pronunciation, out-patient translation, English dictionary definition of out-patient. noun a person who comes to hospital for treatment but does not stay there overnight. adjective an out-patient depa
NHS bidding processNHS invitation to tenderAmbulance servicesNon-emergency patient transport servicesPurpose Ambulance service trusts in England have historically had little or no competition for non-emergency patient transport services (NEPTS), but following the imposition of the NHS Procurement, Patient ...
This study focused on six technical colleges in south London, an area which has good transport links and where there is access to multiple NHS sexual health services. Costs, particularly costs associated with travel and venue hire, may be higher in other settings. Uptake of services may also ...