Providence St. Joseph Health is a 51-hospital system with 100,000-plus caregivers who deliver high-quality, cost-effective healthcare to millions of patients annually. Patient data resides in many systems, including electronic medical records (EMRs). As Providence continues to expand, managin...
Dr. Shifrin assurance gave me the peace âï¸ of mind I need to know his staff would handle everything with Tri West and the VA Phoenix hospital. ð¥ Thank You for your time ð§ Robert Leute review for Eugene Shifrin, O.D., Director of Optometry...
We searched MEDLINE, CINAHL plus, Cochrane Library, MedEdPortal and Pubmed. Keywords used were internal medicine, training/education/residency, patient/client-centered care, inter-professional/multi-disciplinary/inter-disciplinary and nursing/allied health. Screening of search results was done by the ...
Family ValuesMinnesota Medicine
As our model for GBM drug response, we used 100 cultures from our HGCC collection at Uppsala University Hospital in Northern Europe, which underwent systematic genomic and pharmacological profiling (Figure 1A; Table S1). For these cultures to be a model of GBM diversity, they should recapitulate...
Dr. Stacia Crochet is an excellent doctor at Emory university hospital. She treated me for heavy menstrual bleeding and fibroids. She is trustworthy, confident, experienced and friendly. I never once questioned whether I wanted to continue as her patient. I had a total laparoscopic hysterectomy wi...
The Pediatric Patient. Edited by David B. Coursin, M.D., St. Joseph??s Hospital, Lancaster, Pa. and Sarah R. Gustafson, Ph.D. Pp. 183; illustrated. Nutley, New JerseyRadiation stress applied to a longshore bed slopedoi:10.1097/00000441-196309000-00021Joseph S. Roucek...
We also asked patients to mention aspects of hospital care that they did not like. Responses were summarized into major issues which are presented according to frequencies.Overall patient satisfaction was 8.4% (95% CI: 5.2 12.9%). Self-rated patient satisfaction was 8.9% (95% CI: 5.5 13.4%...
KU Hospital Patient Tests Negative for EbolaSt. Joseph NewsPress
“Engage me in taking care of my heart”: A grounded theory study on patient-cardiologist relationship in the hospital management of heart failure. BMJ Open 2015, 5, e005582. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] Greenhalgh, T. Patient and public involvement in chronic illness: Beyond...