A case study was conducted with multidisciplinary experts and patients in the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde health board (Scotland), using interviews combined with the System Usability Scale (n=26). Patients' feedback and system use observations were used to further refine the system design ...
NHS Dumfries and Galloway suffered a cyberattack, potentially compromising patient data. The health board is working with authorities. Learn more about the attack, its potential impact, and how to stay vigilant. NHS Dumfries and Galloway, a health board serving the southwestern region of Scotland, ...
When the patient - a woman - "self-presented" at Lewisham Hospital on Sunday, they were immediately given a face mask and taken to a special area to be tested for the virus. Ben Travi, chief executive of Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust, said the test result came back positive on Wednes...
The NHS general dental services (GDS) contract introduced in England and Wales in 2006 meant that non-exempt patients were required to pay one of four PDCs based on the complexity of their treatment (Table 1). However, the PDC applicable in England and Wales was not the same. In Scotland,...
Health Do Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS. HMSO: London, 2010. (PCORI) P-CORI. National Priorities and Research Agenda. 2013. http://www.pcori.org/ (accessed 24 April 2013). Black N . Patient reported outcome measures could help transform healthcare. BMJ 2013; 346: f167. Artic...
Bouamrane, M.M., Mair, F.: A study of Information Management in the Patient Surgical Pathway in NHS Scotland. In: in Proceedings of the 14th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics, Medinfo 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark. (2013)
Re-admission rates were high, 60% once and 40% twice or more, in patients discharged from hospital.The revised guidance on Eligibility for NHS Continuing Care in Scotland, CEL (2008), is useful in identifying the frailest patients with complex needs and limited survival. However, hospital re...
Note that according to the specific regulations of NHS Scotland dentists are only reimbursed once per 6 months for mirror/probe examination(s) provided to the same patient. In contrast, there is no restriction in doctor's reimbursement regarding the quantity of dental x-rays provided to patients...
Morris, Bridget
35 - P6.13 Upgrading the Automatic Endoscope Reprocessing (AER) Facilities in NHS Argyll a Clyde, Scotland, to Ensure Patient Safety and Best Practice - EM|consultedoi:10.1016/S0195-6701(06)60116-3J. MurrayA. MorganL. GoodwinL. McKee...