(2012). Person-centred care: more than just improving patient satisfaction. European Heart Journal, 33, 1037-1039.Cowie, M. R. (2012). Person-centred care: more than just improving patient satisfaction? European Heart Journal, 33(9), 1037-9....
We argue that patient or person centred care can be reconfigured within a social justice and rights framework and that doing so supports the creation of conditions for well-being in the broader context, one that impacts strongly on individuals. These arguments have broader implications for the ...
It refers to patient-centred care,person-centred care, patient-led, and personalised. Terms are sometimes confused and used interchangeably – sometimes in the same document. What is the opposite of patient centered care? In contrast to patient-centered care (at least as described in the current...
In this monologue, I want to explore the emergence of two memes - 'patient-centred care' and 'person-centred care' - that have become common place throughout health care in Australia and elsewhere. My concern is not their meanings per se nor with how their definitions might differ because ...
Commentary: Patient centred care: timely, but is it practical? BMJ 2002; 324: 648-651. 2.Bristol Royal Infirmary Inquiry. Learning from Bristol: the report of the public inquiry into children's heart surgery at the Bristol Royal Infirmary 1984-1995. London: Stationery Office, 2001. www....
Patient-centred care (PCC) has emerged as a primary approach to health care. This approach emphasises partnerships in health between patients and healthcare professionals, acknowledges patients’ preferences and values, promotes flexibility in the provision of health care and seeks to move beyond the ...
Patient-centred care: What are the experiences of prostate cancer patients and their partners? To gain an in depth understanding of the experiences of care of men with prostate cancer and their partners. The study design was a qualitative analysis of... P Sinfield,R Baker,S Agarwal,... -...
Providing patient-centred care (PCC) is one of the goals described by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to deliver quality of care. Across several interventions described in the literature, there is no clear consensus of one that will best fit the diversity of women coming to seek care in mat...
e of good doctoring patient-centred care : the essence of good doctoringpatient-centred care : the essence of good doctoringdoi:http://dx.doi.org/Yvette S L TanBMJ
Artificial intelligence (AI) is often cited as a possible solution to current issues faced by healthcare systems. This includes the freeing up of time for doctors and facilitating person-centred doctor-patient relationships. However, given the novelty of