The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) is a 9-item instrument for assessing depression commonly used in mindfulness research. It is both a measure of depression severity and a diagnostic measure of depressive disorders. The PHQ-9 has been translated and validated in multiple languages and ...
Evaluate symptoms of depression using the PHQ-9 (Patient Health Questionnaire), a concise questionnaire grounded in clinical research and practice.
PHQ-9健康问卷(Patient Health Questionnaire-9,PHQ-9)是基于DSM-IV(美国精神病学会制定的《精神疾病的诊断和统计手册》)诊断标准的9个条目,是一个简便、有效的抑郁障碍自评量表 以下是一些PHQ-9健康问卷的真实应用示例: 1. 临床诊断:医疗专业人员可以使用PHQ-9问卷作为抑郁症的初步筛查工具。患者填写问卷后,医生...
patient health questionnaire-9条目英文 Below are the items of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) in English: 1. Little interest or pleasure in doing things 2. Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless 3. Trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or sleeping too much 4. Feeling tired or ...
PHQ-9在初步识别和评估抑郁症状方面具有明显优势,但也存在一定的局限性。 优点: 1. 科学基础:PHQ-9的设计基于DSM的诊断标准,具有扎实的科学基础。 2. 广泛认可:作为一个国际通用的抑郁检测量表,它在全球范围内得到了广泛应用和认可。 3. 简便快捷:PHQ-9包含9个条目,患者可以快速完成,适用于快速筛查和评估。
phq9抑郁量表(Patient Health Questionnaire-9,PHQ-9)测试题详情及选项,从多个维度进行分析筛选精选phq9抑郁量表(Patient Health Questionnaire-9,PHQ-9)9道测试题目,根据您的真实情况认真答题可进入深度分析。
PATIENT HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE (PHQ-9) NAME: Over the last 2 weeks , how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? (circle the number to indicate your answer) DATE: 1. Little interest or pleasure in doing things 2. Feeling down, depressed or hopeless 3. Trouble ...
Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) Screening tool to assist in identifying major depressive disorder Questions 1.Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by: Little interest or pleasure in doing things? 2.Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by: Fe...
内容提示: PATIENT HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE (PHQ-9)NAME: ___DATE:___Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you beenbothered by any of the following problems?(use “✓” to indicate your answer)1. Little interest or pleasure in doing things2. Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless3. Trouble ...
Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)患者健康问卷 □ Initial Screening 首次检测□ Follow Up 跟踪检测□ Annual Screening 年度检测Name 姓名___ Student # 学生证号 ___ Date 日期 ___ This questionnaire will help your health provider to improve your treatment. Simply circle your answer to the ...