During the following months,her hospital stays became frequent and she worried about her children.Oneday when I entered her room, I found her talking into a tape recorder. Shepicked up a notebook and held it out to me. "I'm making a tape for mydaughters, " she said. I read the lis...
”I bet you’ll take note of your breathing. If you’re like me, you won’t be able to stop thinking about it. It was particularly persuasive to me, as I had read this while lying in a hospital bed with a “nasogastric” tube inserted, quite unpleasantly, from my nose to ...
Relatives set ambulance ablaze in K'taka as coronavirus patient dies. They accused the hospital staff of negligence in the treatment and pelted stones at the building. A constable was injured. The police have registered a case and arrested two persons.
such as dates of hospital stays and visiting hours, while high access users have access to all of the information. These levels can also be tailored to the individual user by the patient or physician, possibly allowing higher levels of access to close family members and friends, while allowing...
"WewouldliketoreportthattheCentersforDiseaseControlandPreventionhavedeterminedthatthepatientkeptinisolationsinceMondayattheMountSinaiHospitalhastestednegativeforEbolaVirusDisease,"thehospitalsaidinastatement. Thepatient,whotraveledrecentlytoaWestAfricacountrywhereEbolahadbeenreported,wasinastableconditionandwasimproving,the...
The modified questionnaire was then used to collect data from patients at the hospital. The data collection lasted approximately two years, from July 2015 to June 2017. Small gifts were given to the respondents for completing and returning the questionnaire. The gift with a value of approximately...