In France, it was recalled in the 1994 Civil Code concerning bioethical laws and has recently been included in the Public health Code (law concerning patient's rights dated March 4, 2002). According to these various texts, the patient's wishes must always be respected, even in life ...
Le refus éventuellement opposé par le défunt de son vivant à l’accès de son dossier par son ou ses ayants droit ne fait pas obstacle à la délivrance d’un certificat médical à l’intention du ou des ayants droit, dès lors que ce certificat ne comporte pas d’informations cou...
CancerCare relationshipPatient autonomyTreatment refusalGuidelinesA systematic assessment procedure of treatment refusal is necessary in order to ensure that all the physical, psychological and contextual aspects of it are taken into account, and to provide patients with the best treatment possible. The ...