Examples of patienthood in psychology include individuals undergoing psychotherapy, counseling, or psychiatric treatment. A nuanced understanding of this term encompasses the multifaceted nature of the therapeutic relationship and the various contexts in which psychological care is administered. This introduction...
Examples: consultation of doctors, 1800; of lawyers, 1882. Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. consultation - a conference (usually with someone importa...
Examples included erroneous documentation of diabetes, cancer, and, in 1 instance, HIV infection. One patient wrote, “A history of DCIS [ductal carcinoma in situ] was written in the note as 'disseminated cancer.' I received condolences from another physician.” Another reported a potentially ...
In relation to the question about what could be changed to prevent the adverse event from recurring, 100% of the students identified specific examples from the TV series episode and 30.9% linked these aspects to factors in the Ishikawa diagram. Narrative aspects of the episode were mentioned 263...
They have the characteristics of learning the classification rules from examples which helps in handling complicated or incompletely defined cases. In this paper, the Self-Organizing Map algorithm has been used in developing a patient grouping system which has been implemented in the Department of ...
A literature research and evaluation by the Reported Health Outcomes (RHO) Group were used to develop this classification system. The new classification system includes patient- and person-reported preferences, outcomes, experiences, and satisfaction related to healthcare and health outcomes. Moreover, ...
While a DRG system is generally based on past costs of patients, each category groups a set of ultimately unique patients and provides a payment based on some average cost of these. Therefore, the vignette cases serve as examples of different scenarios and the tariff paid for them may not ...
Infections may also result from common defects in the inflammatory or immunologic systems; examples are detailed inTable 54-2.1–9Inflammatory and immunologic barriers can be disrupted by the primary disease process (e.g., tumor can invade the bone marrow, immunologic abnormalities associated w...
We also showed across real data examples (see Supplementary Information Section 2 for an additional real data example) and in a simulation study that subgroups found by AFISP were similar to those found by exhaustive search-based methods like SliceFinder (SF). The results present an interesting ...
Examples of excluded words are “and,”“or,”“front,”“in case of,”“finally,” and “during.” The extraction and cleaning processes were conducted collaboratively by three professors specializing in emergency medicine and medical education, and the final selection was reviewed by the entire ...