A Qualitative Study Exploring the Role and Responsibilities of the Patient Care Technician in US Dialysis Caredoi:10.1681/ASN.20233411S1529aMegan UrbanskiEmory University, Atlanta, GA;Courtney E. HogeEmory University, Atlanta, GA;Alexis A. Bender...
Exam & X-ray Technician My name is Phillip McBride. I am currently 2/3 of the way from completing school and earning my Doctors of Chiropractic at Life University. Prior to beginning this program, I graduated from Hillgrove Highschool in 2015 and was a 4-year varsity letterman for the wr...
The ECG and invasive pressure data are sent from the MR-compatible monitoring equipment via an optical network to a computer in the control room where the cardiac technician is stationed. The appropriate measurement and recording of the data is made in the usual way. The technician has access ...
Higher Patient-to-Patient Care Technician Ratios Associated with Worse Outcomes Among US In-Center Hemodialysis Patientsdoi:10.1681/ASN.20233411S114bLaura PlantingaEmory University, Atlanta, GA;Alexis A. BenderEmory University, Atlanta, GA;Megan Urbanski...