Reasons to Become a Patient Care Tech Many compassionate people like the idea of caring for patients and providing them with treatment and comfort while they are hospitalized or ailing, but the idea of a four-year education is not as desirable. If you don’t have the time or the income ...
pa·tient care tech·ni·cian (PCT)(pā'shĕnt kār tek-nish'ŭn) Ahealthcareworkerwhousesbothnursingandmedicalassistingskillstoprovidepatientcarein ahospitalsetting. MedicalDictionaryfortheHealthProfessionsandNursing©Farlex2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a ...
The article focuses on electronic medical records (EMR) system for patient care and safety. It states that nurse practitioners (NP) must be involved in the development of the system to make sure that they effectively work their clinical practices. It adds that EMR system provides information ...
Response from Carolyn Buppert, MSN, JD Healthcare attorney The answer depends on the state, and you did the right thing by contacting the state health department. Some states specify, in policy or regulation, the tasks that unlicensed assistive personnel (such as PCTs) may perform, some states...
By Eve McDavid - CEO of Mission-Driven Tech Regardless of the episodic nature of urgent care visits, the provider-patient relationship does not have to end when the bill is paid. Clinics should strive to stay in touch with their patients for both retention and reputation purposes, both of w...
“Digital therapeutics such as mental health apps have a clear place in a care plan and it’s very exciting to be on the forefront of this,” Mordecai continued. When the Kaiser Permanente began providing patients access to mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy apps in 201...
Healthcare Tech Outlook magazine provides latest updates on enterprise level healthcare analytics solutions, leveraging data and analytics for transforming healthcare system, benefits and impacts of analytics in healthcare sectors and top most promising
Revolutionize patient engagement with AI-driven digital tools and smart room technology at the point of care and beyond.
When it comes to female role models within GE Healthcare, well, there are just too many to name. All across the company, women in leadership positions are a living testament to the many ways that women are lighting the way. Recently, I had the honor of speaking at theWomenTec...
A concerning trend has emerged with the growing reliance on digital health care tools. The concept of “techquity” underscores the need for technology solutions to enhance health equity, but persistent evidence reveals disparities in patient portal access and utilization.5The current user community is...