Several landmark clinical trials have advanced mesothelioma treatment and extended patient lives. Hear from fellow patients about their clinical trial success stories.
When I arrived at the eye center, I was very promptly treated by an eye specialist assistant and then by the doctor. It was a very thorough exam using the most high tech state-of-the-art equipment that diagnosed my eye condition. I thought the entire staff did an excellent job. review...
Access to tha cure became that much harder. I've tried many pharmaceutical companys for there programs of receiving a cure at a minimum expense. To fail each time. I will not halt, for hope drives me on . My family depends on me and I on them... Never give up ! Hope is around ...
If that doesn’t seem frightening enough, the scariest part is this: the Medicare For All Bill establishes the National Board of Universal Quality and Access, and not even one actual physician is guaranteed to be on it. 305. NATIONAL BOARD OF UNIVERSAL QUALITY AND ACCESS. (a) Establishment....
Author Contributions: Dr Kavalieratos had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Concept and design: Kavalieratos, Corbelli, Klein-Fedyshin, Zimmermann, Morton, Arnold, Heller, Schenker. Acquisit...
The nose has three important jobs: 1) it warms the air we breathe; 2) it adds moisture or humidity to the inhaled air and; 3) it filters out particles from the air to prevent them from entering the lungs. The nose is also the organ for the senses of smell and taste. Mouth The ...
A total of 621 persons were working in their regular jobs as medical doctors or specialist nurses in a hospital or other medical facility and at the same time as helicopter emergency physicians or HEMS TC. In the period between 27 November 2020 and 03 March 2021, 253 out of these 621 ...