God reminded Samuel of a similar lesson: "It is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king" (1 Samuel 8:7). Either we will be patient or we will be judged by the Judge himself.There is a very thin line between grumbling and unbelief. Very thin. What are...
The First Petition of the Lord’s Prayer What are we asking God to do when we pray the Lord’s Prayer? The Ten Commandments I am the Lord, your God, you shall have no Gods before Me. You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain Remember to keep the Lord’s. God’s Nature ...
“练钢琴,练吉他,预习课本,打篮球。” Everybody said the university is very idle, after school are specially many, my feel time is actually insufficient, has too many matters to need to do, “practices the piano, practices the guitar, the preparing a lesson textbook, plays the basketball.”...