Medical Care Coordination Ensure that medical care, outpatient and in-home services are aligned Read More A MESSAGE FROM OUR FOUNDER: You don’t have to do this alone. I have been there. I am a Sandwich Generation granddaughter, daughter, and mother, and I know how hard it is to be pul...
Currently, little is known about healthcare coordination efforts between the EYS and health systems for YEH. Using grounded theory methodology, we interviewed 24 stakeholders and concurrently analyzed and compared data to explore pathways to healthcare coordinated for youth who reside at an EYS in ...
In particular, care pathways resemble standard operating procedures that can give rise to recurrent collective action patterns. Eleven propositions related to five categories are proposed by building on these insights: care pathways and (a) coordination, (b) change, (c) replication, (d) the ...
Existing research describes system navigation of the formal care systems by care partners as burdensome given the lack of clear and transparent information and resources, fragmentation and an absence of coordination, and unresponsive services to family needs and circumstances [9]. The burden of ...
Supporting the complete management of patient-reported experience measures (PREMs), our platform helps you capture and analyse data on key domains such as staff communication, care coordination, and empathy. Understand the strengths and weaknesses in your care delivery so that you can improve the ...
Does a family member living in another geographic area need healthcare coordination? Are challenging family dynamics adding additional stress or barriers to providing proper care? Would you like assistance in locating caregiver resources and support groups?
Pathways Health Partners is a healthcare organization that focuses on value-based care and care coordination within the healthcare industry. It provides primary and specialty care providers with data analytics, workflow optimization, industry expertise, payer relationship management, and support for transit...
Pathways provides a wide array of community-based services to further enrich the areas we serve, including Targeted Case Management, Care Coordination, Rehabilitation Services, and Individual and Family Skills Training. Our team delivers quality, trauma-informed care throughout our array of behavioral ...
Care Coordination Between Prescribers and the Specialty Pharmacy for Multiple Myeloma: Qualitative Insights Into Designing a Quality Improvement Program fo... How should a health system begin to break into the intricacies of actually "doing" specialty pharmacy? What are the critical elements to success...
Built on clinical pathways, Preveta's care navigation software transforms EMR data into actionable insights that provides specialty clinics like oncology, urology and GI with an entirely new way to view its patient population.