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作者:Anne Mitchell 安妮 米歇尔 出版社:山东教育出版社 出版时间:2017-01-00 印刷时间:0000-00-00 ISBN:9787532897315 ,购买Foundation PATHWAYS TO ACADEMIC SUCCESS Anne Mitchell 山东教育出版社9787532897315等计算机网络相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网
academic successThere has been a lack of research systematically identifying the kinds of international students who struggle to succeed academically in the New Zealand tertiary context. This research was conducted to determine whether students who enter through different pathways have equal likelihood of ...
Through a foundation in research and structured literacy PTR takes aim to improve all readers. Research Behind Pathways Get trained to effectively teach foundational reading - the most significant factor for academic success Pathways to Reading is for teachers of all levels including regular classroom,...
the Citi Foundation and Citi mentors play a vital role in our students' long-term success. And the commitment that the Citi Foundation and Citi mentors have made has resulted in extraordinary outcomes for our students. Thanks to partners like the Citi Foundation, our...
‘origin story’ tends to prioritise the academic term agroecology – situated within a modern scientific discourse dominated by the Global North (Gómez et al.2013) – over farmers’ practices and movements in different parts of the world (eg: Rosset and Martínez-Torres2012). Focusing on the ...
(e.g., expectancy-value theory; Eccles et al., 1983), the processes leading to such aspirations are shaped by students' expectancies of success (e.g., self-concept) and by value-laden motivational beliefs (e.g., interest), but also several academic factors (e.g., performance) have ...
Diverse Pathways to the Ph.D.: A National Science Foundation Study of Women Faculty at a Hispanic-Serving InstitutionWitherspoon, Patricia D