AANA Journal course 6: update for nurse anesthetists. A pathway toward safer anesthesia: stereochemical advances AANA JournalJoyce JA
NURSE anesthetistsANESTHESIACONTINUUM of careTRAUMA registriesWOUND nursingCONFERENCES & conventionsEMERGENCY medical servicesINTEGRATED health care deliveryBackground: The Level 1 Trauma Center at Hamad General Hospital (HGH) offers world-class trauma services for Qatar, which also boasts...
The Royal College of Anesthetist [4,5] describes pre-operative assessment services as “fundamental to high quality”. They advise that all patients undertaking electivesurgeryshould attend a pre-operative assessment clinic, and this assessment s...
The eight informants were the head of finance, the head of medical services and support, one ob-gyn specialists, one anesthetist specialists, one outpatient installation nurse, one midwife, one inpatient installation midwives, and one nutritionist. The COVID-19 changed the procedures and influenced...
CRNA certified registered nurse anesthetistObjective: The aim of this study was to establish if enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) and fast track surgery (FTS) protocols are associated with reduction in healthcare-associated infection (HAIs). Background: Evidence suggests that prevention strategies...