Paths of Glory, American war film, released in 1957, that elevated its young director, Stanley Kubrick, to international prominence. Its controversial portrayal of the French military prevented it from being shown in several European countries for years.
As for the aspect ratio of this movie, I wasn't paying attention, but it looked wider than 4:3. Unfortunately, it looked as if a chunk of the film was actually projected below the silver screen, which is maddeningly annoying. It didn't look too grainy to my eyes for '50s 35mm. Th...
I did some testing, adding an English series, episode and movie in a test collection. When running task CleanupCollectionAndPlaylistPathsTask, the series was removed but the others were unaffected. The problem might be series in general, not anything to do with foreign languages. Here's a tes...
Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence. ―Alan W. Watts (The Book) I want to share with you a story that will help illustrate what the Higher Self is: Once there ...
Type 6:I would be really pissed off that somebody stole my moment of glory. I’d be looking for ways to embarrass this clown in front of the others. I would casually join his or her circle and tactfully but pointedly remind them of how little she actually contributed to the project, th...
Full Disclosure: My wife is a retired Army nurse so I really enjoy this show. Bonus:The original words to the instrumental were composed by Mike Altman, MASH movie director Robert Altman’s son, MASH4077 opening theme (