"Heart failure may be defined as the pathophysiologic state in which an abnormality of cardiac function is responsible for failure of the heart to pump blood at a rate commensurate with the requirements of the metabolizing tissues. Heart failure occurs as the consequence of many forms of heart ...
Effectiveness of spironolactone added to an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and a loop diuretic for severe chronic congestive heart failure (the Randomized Aldactone Evaluation Study [RALES]). The American Journal of Cardiology. 1996;78:902-907 82. Horisberger J-D, Giebisch G. Potassium-...
congestive heart failure, Cytokine Receptor Structure, Cytokines, Deep Learning in Pathology, Dehydrogenase, Developmental biology, Diabetes Mellitus, Diagnostic Immunology, Disease Biology, Disease Biology, Small Molecules in Development of Therapeutic Drugs, ...
ACongestiveheartfailure BSepticembolization CVenousthrombosis DArterialhyperemia 第6题 Inapatientwithmyocardialinfarction,thereisalesionintheventricularwall.Thefollowingimagesshowgrossandhistologicalappearanceofthelesion.Whichofthefollowingisthemostlikelydiagnosis?() ARedthrombus BWhitethrombus CMixedthrombus DHyaline...
Obstruction of coronary arteries causes myocardial ischemia. Myocardial ischemia may present as acute coronary syndromes (acute ST elevation infarct, non-ST elevation infarct, andunstable angina), sudden death, or chroniccongestive heart failure. Obstruction of iliac vessels results in ischemia of the lo...
point-of-care testing is crucial for reaching patients who are otherwise isolated due to geographic, social, and cultural barriers. This is particularly vital given the high rates of infectious diseases like COVID-19 among the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander popula...
The appearance of an enlarged heart, as indicative of many cardiovascular disorders coarctation of the aorta A narrowing or compression of the aorta congestive heart failure Condition existing when the heart is unable to propel blood at a sufficient rate and volume to prevent congestion of circulatory...
This homoplasmic mutation has been found in four unrelated patients who presented as infants with isolated hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure, evolving to multisystem disease (Ware et al.2009). Electron microscopy of muscle tissue showed increased variation in size and shape of mit...
causes costophrenic angles to be opaque and mediastinum shift, common cause of congestive heart failure, fluid build up outside of lung pleura effusion Pleurisy inflammation between the visceral and parietal pleura which produces fluid aveolis become enlarged, costophrenic angles become blunted, barrel...
Immediate and long-term pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying the genesis of sudden cardiac death in patients with congestive cardiac failure. Am J Med. 1987;82 suppl 3A:4–10. Google Scholar Solomon SD, Zelenkofske S, McMurray JJV, Finn PV, Velazquez E, Ertl G, et al. Sudden death in...