Definition: An agent causing disease or illness to its host, such as an organism or infectious particle capable of producing a disease in another organism. Table of Contents What are Pathogens? Pathogensare defined asmicroscopicorganisms, includingviruses,bacteria,fungi, andparasitesthat can causediseas...
A simple definition of a pathogen is an organism that can overcome the defence mechanisms of the body and induce deleterious changes in the host. Arrayed against the potential pathogen are a series of systems which either confine the micro-organisms to the mucosal and skin surfaces, preventing ac...
Definition of specific pathogen free status Consistent use of terminology to define the virologic status of colonies and individual animals is imperative to avoid confusion and misunderstanding. Specific pathogen free macaques may be defined as offspring arising from breeding programs in which selected ...
Stedman Definition “Fab Fragment”, Stedman's Online Medical Dictionary, 27th Edition. Stryhn et al. “Shared Fine Specificity Between T-Cell Receptors and an Antibody Recognizing a Peptide/Major Histocompatibility Class I Complex”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 93: 10338-...
To limit the seasonality definition to those whose model fit was significantly better with the addition of the seasonal component, we calculated the difference between the seasonal and non-seasonal AIC (∆i = AICnonseasonal − AICseasonal) and excluded organisms with AIC difference ...