When you want to rename files, you can use .with_stem(), .with_suffix(), or .with_name(). They return the original path but with the filename, the file extension, or both replaced. If you want to change a file’s extension, then you can use .with_suffix() in combination with ...
print(f"File name: {os.path.splitext(path.stem)[0]}") print("The suffixes: ") print(path.suffixes) The program prints the stem, name, suffix(es), and the anchor. $ parts2.py The stem is: wordpress-5.1.tar The name is: wordpress-5.1.tar.gz The suffix is: .gz The anchor is:...
>>> Path("file.txt").with_suffix(".csv") PosixPath('file.csv') There are three such methods: with_name: change the name of a path; with_stem: change the stem of a path (the name, minus the extension) (Python 3.9+); and with_suffix: change the suffix (extension) of a path. ...
只是单纯的当成普通字符串来处理# 但是当输入存在的路径的时候,我们还可以进行处理# 1.打印当前的path的绝对路径print(path.absolute())# c:\python37\lib\asyncio\__init__.py# 2.Windows下的话,打印根目录,个人觉得没啥卵用print(path.anchor)# c:\# 3.转化为unix的路径,个人觉得没啥卵用print(path.as...
The suffix property holds the value after the extension separator and the stem property holds the portion of the name before the suffix. pathlib_name.py import pathlib p = pathlib.PurePosixPath('./source/pathlib/pathlib_name.py') print('path : {}'.format(p)) print('name : {}'.format(...