extend(file_name) returnall_filespath=input('>>>请输入文件路径:') results=get_files(['.txt', '.jpg', '.py'], path) print(results) forfileinresults: print(file) Path.mkdir(mode=0o777, parents=False, exist_ok=False) Create a new directory at this given path. If mode is given,...
1. pathlib模块下Path类的基本使⽤ from pathlib import Path path = r'D:\python\pycharm2020\program\pathlib模块的基本使⽤.py'p = Path(path)print(p.name) # 获取⽂件名 print(p.stem) # 获取⽂件名除后缀的部分 print(p.suffix) # 获取⽂件后缀 print(p.parent) # 相当于dirname...
all_files.extend(Path('.').glob(ext)) return all_files files =get_files(('*.txt',,))
[Datasets] get_path_type_Path(dataset) = 'dir' [Datasets.tar.gz] [调用os库] get_path_type_os(dataset_compressed_package.absolute()) = 'unknown' [Datasets.tar.gz] get_path_type_Path(dataset_compressed_package) = 'unknown' [000000000061.jpg] [调用os库] get_path_type_os(image.absolute(...
There are a few different ways to get a list of all the files in a directory with Python. With pathlib, you can conveniently use the .iterdir() method, which iterates over all the files in the given directory. In the following example, you combine .iterdir() with the collections....
在pathlib模块中,核心类是Path(对于具体路径操作)和PurePath(对于纯路径操作,不涉及I/O)。这些类允许你创建代表文件系统路径的对象。通过实例化这些类,你可以获得表示特定路径的对象,并对这些对象执行各种操作。 例如,你可以这样做: 代码语言:python 代码运行次数:0 ...
We can get a parent of a parent. $ parents.py The parent directory of C:\Users\Jano\Documents is C:\Users\Jano The parent of the parent of C:\Users\Jano\Documents is C:\Users All the parents of C:\Users\Jano: [WindowsPath('C:/Users/Jano'), WindowsPath('C:/Users'), WindowsPath...
os.path 模块下的函数可以操作系统的目录本身,该模块提供了 exists() 函数判断该目录是否存在;也提供了 getctime()、getmtime()、getatime() 函数来获取该目录的创建时间、最后一次修改时间、最后一次访问时间;提供了 getsize() 函数获取指定文件的大小。