lock_file = Path("lock_file.lock") try: with lock_file.open(mode="xb") as lock: fcntl.flock(lock, fcntl.LOCK_EX) # 获取独占锁 try: with destination.open(mode="xb") as file: file.write(source.read_bytes()) except FileExistsError: print(f"File {destination} exists already.") else...
from pathlib import Path # 创建Path对象 file_path = Path('/path/to/file.txt') # 获取文件所在的目录 directory = file_path.parent # 获取文件的新名称 new_name = 'new_file.txt' # 构建新的文件路径 new_file_path = directory / new_name # 使用rename()方法重命名文件 file_path.rename(new_...
# Writenewtextto existing file markdown.write_text("## This is a new line") 1. 2. 复制 # The file is overridden markdown.read_text()#'## This is a new line' 1. 2. 要将新信息附加到现有文件,应该在 a (附加)模式下使用 Path 对象的 open 方法: 复制 # Append textwithmarkdown.ope...
is_file(): 检查路径是否为一个文件 from pathlib import Path path = Path('/usr/bin/python3')...
# 需要导入模块: import pathlib [as 别名]# 或者: from pathlib importPurePosixPath[as 别名]defappend_stream(self, destination, *, offset=0):""" Create stream for append (write) data to `destination` file. :param destination: destination path of file on server side ...
def merge_to_single_image(): image_list1 = [] image_list2 = [] image_list3 = [] image_list4 = [] for filename in Path('./pages').glob('*.jpg'): image_list1.append(filename) for i in image_list1: image_list2.append(i.stem) ...
# Write new text to existing filemarkdown.write_text("## This is a new line") # The file is overriddenmarkdown.read_text()# '## This is a new line' 要将新信息附加到现有文件,应该在(附加)模式下使用对象的方法: # Append textwithmarkdown.open(mode="a")asfile:file.write("\n### ...
file_paths.append(file_path) # Create some files that do not match the pattern for i in range(N_INVALID_FILES): file_path = temp_dir_path.joinpath(f"other_file_{i}") file_path.write_text(f"Invalid file {i}") # Test the function with the pattern matching_files = get_files_from...
utils import copy_file_with_basic_stats from documents.utils import maybe_override_pixel_limit if TYPE_CHECKING: from collections.abc import Callable logger = logging.getLogger("paperless.barcodes") @@ -61,7 +65,7 @@ def able_to_run(self) -> bool: - Barcode support is enabled and the ...
tempfile 模块可创建临时文件和临时目录 该模块下的高级 API 会自动管理临时文件的创建和删除; 在程序中不再使用临时文件或目录时,就会自动删除。 一、使用 pathlib 模块操作目录 pathlib 模块提供了一组面向对象的类,这些类可代表各种操作系统上的路径,可通过些类操作路径。pathlib 模块下的类如下图一所示。