《Pathfiner:Kingmaker – Definitive Edition》基于广受好评的《Pathfinder》系列游戏打造,为您带来单人角色扮演游戏的终极体验。 与战队一起踏上征程,探索并征服戈拉瑞安的被窃之地,了解这个充满历史、神秘和冲突的世界,进行实时战斗,或选择回合制交战。 《Definitive Edition》中包含主游戏、各种全新游戏特色和 6 款 ...
《Pathfinder: Kingmaker》——「Royal Ascension」DLC 系統需求 必須登入帳號 Epic Games 支援的語言 遊戲語音:英語 遊戲文字:英文、法文、德文、俄文、簡體中文 Pathfinder and Kingmaker are trademarks and copyrights owned exclusively by Paizo Inc. and used under license. Owlcat Games is a trademark of OWL...
Pathfinder Kingmaker – Definitive Edition is the ultimate single-player RPG experience based on the acclaimed Pathfinder series. Explore and conquer with your party the Stolen Lands of Golarion, a world rich with history, mystery and conflict featuring
Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Definitive Edition is the ultimate single-player RPG experience based on the acclaimed Pathfinder series. Explore and conquer with your party the Stolen Lands of Golarion, a world rich with history, mystery and conflict featuring real-time combat or optional turn-based figh...
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Beneath The Stolen Lands Pathfinder: Kingmaker - The Wildcards Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Varnhold's Lot System requirements Minimum system requirements: Recommended system requirements: System: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64-bit) Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64-bit) Processor...
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Definitive Edition (簡體中文, 英文, 日文) 全球玩家的評分 3.85平均評分為3.85顆星(滿分5顆星),共2045則評分 2045個評分 53% 18% 6% 7% 16% 遊戲和法律資訊 《Pathfiner:Kingmaker – Definitive Edition》基於廣受好評的《Pathfinder》系列遊戲打造,為您帶來單人角色扮演遊戲的終極體驗...
> Pathfinder: Kingmaker 登入您的 Steam 帳戶來檢視購買與帳戶狀態,並獲取個人化的幫助。 登入Steam 幫幫我,我無法登入 Pathfinder: Kingmaker 在商店中檢視 登入以便在 Pathfinder: Kingmaker 中獲取個人化的幫助。 您在這款產品中遭遇什麼樣的困難?在...
DLC 包含的内容可能不适合所有年龄段,或不宜在工作期间访问。 开发者对内容描述如下: “This game contains references to fantasy drugs (potions), alcohol, sex and sexual acts (no direct visualisation or nudity), along with visual gore effects. Storyline contains adult content. ” ...
《Pathfinder: Kingmaker》为知名TPRG─《Pathfinder》改编的CRPG游戏。相信桌游玩家听到“跑团”二字;RPG玩家听到“柏德之门”这个名号,都会想到不少美好的回忆,如果将两者结合,会迸出什么新奇又耐玩的游戏呢?《Pathfinder: Kingmaker》正是将全球知名桌游《Pathfinder》移植至计算机上的一款硬核RPG,探索满是窃贼与...