The Lord of Nothing is the fifth premium DLC for Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, wrapping up the story of the second DLC, Through the Ashes. Explore new and unique locations, make new friends, and face a powerful demon lord in order to bring Sendri an
可離線遊玩 1名玩家 PS4版本 DUALSHOCK 4震動功能 使用酒精/菸草, 強烈暴力, 強烈粗口 分級 Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - The Treasure of the Midnight Isles (中英文版) 全球玩家的評分 23個評分 74% 13% 4% 0% 9% 遊戲和法律資訊 ...
Lead your army and challenge mighty demon lords. Your crusade will set in motion a chain of events that will leave you — and the world itself — forever changed. PLAY YOUR HERO, YOUR WAY Create any character imaginable with the flexibility, richness, and depth of the Pathfinder First Editi...
We want you to feel the scale of the conflict in Wrath of the Righteous with the Crusade system—a new strategic layer of gameplay built specifically for this adventure. At a certain point in the game you will be granted command of the Fifth Crusade: a grand push against the demons. From...
开拓者:正义之怒 - 午夜群岛的宝藏 Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – The Treasure of the Midnight Isles豆瓣评分:0.0 简介:散布在黑暗深渊大洋中的群岛埋藏着无数奇珍异宝,同时也蛰伏着难以言表的恐怖。登上阴森的被诅咒之船,冒险深入未知海域,航向你的财富…
时隔3年,获得超205万美元众筹金额的 Owlcat Games 再度推出了续作《开拓者:正义之怒(Wrath of the Righteous)》。这款以Unity 3D引擎运行的俯视角回合制游戏居然拥有恐怖的40GB容量,而其光是序章内容就已经超过20小时——抱着“绝对不能小瞧”的心理,我认真试玩了本作的序章部分并写下了这篇评测。
《开拓者:正义之怒》(Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous)是由俄罗斯和塞浦路斯制作组Owlcat Games制作,META Publishing, Owlcat Games发行的一款CRPG大作。该游戏对人物塑造上有着极高的自由度,你既可以做一个亦正亦邪的坏蛋,也可以做一个极端的、眼里不容沙子的人。简单的讲:玩家可以通过组合不同的职业和种族...
【开拓者:正义之怒】Pathfinder:Wrath of the Righteous | 聂纽任务 | 最终面纱 | 谜题解法 1513 0 07:05 App 【开拓者:正义之怒】Pathfinder:Wrath of the Righteous | 金龙道途解锁任务 | 巨龙的命运 2862 3 02:15:10 App 【开拓者:正义之怒】Pathfinder:Wrath of the Righteous | 爱露纱蕾 |...
《开拓者:正义之怒(Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous)》是由俄罗斯制作组Owlcat继《开拓者:拥王者(Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition)》后第二部基于开拓者(Pathfinder)TRPG规则的CRPG作品,改编自模组并加入了大量的新内容。相较于前作,本作的评价有了较大的提升,游戏体验也相当不错,而作为一款...