Arueshalaeis one of the recruitable companions available to you in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous.Each companionin Pathfinder WotR comes packed with unique dialogue, a back story, and special characteristics, and Arueshalae is no exception. You must finish several prerequisite quests and compl...
lot more creativity. WoTR has a perfect path (caothic good and Azata) and true ending too, but the development of the player character is a lot less based on frustration and there are many more and smoother viable ways to play. The mythic mechanic seems actually a counter to the ...
Azata Pretty much a direct opposite to Aeons. They embody freedom and expression (cosmic hippies, more or less). On the practical side, you get an animal companion, some songs of dubious value, and superpowers. The powers are the main reason to take it, if at all. ...
Devil Mythic Pathis a little complicated. For this, first, you need to choose either the Azata or Aeon pathway. After you take Drezen, a devil will appear, and you will have the option to take him as an advisor. Do it and be cooperative. After you return from the Abyss, he will o...
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Update 1.03 – Quests Deep-Rooted Derangement could break if you skipped the cut-scene which started it – fixed; Fixed the infinite XP gain in the dialogue with Thaberdine; The second dialogue with Nulkineth could start more than once – fixed; ...