Waves of Exhaustion Simulacrum Teleport Planeshift Banishment Contingency! Heroism/Greater Heroism True Seeing Antimagic Field is solid all around. Magic Jar(Save or your whole party dies! WOO!) Wall of Force is fantastic at any level Icy Prison my favorite slightly less game brea...
6 Heroism (G), True Seeing†, Cat’s Grace (M), Dispel Magic (G)† 7 Plague Storm, Ice Body, Legendary Proportions, Waves of Exhaustion†† 8 Protection From Spells, Seamantle, Frightful Aspect 9 Foresight, Mind Blank (C), Heroic Invocation † Bloodline spell (no need to...
Found at Defender’s Heart (Gemyl Hawkes). If you’re capable of casting spells on the spot, then this ring helps you cast: ray of enfeeblement, scare, ray of exhaustion, fear, and waves of fatigue. However, you still need a spell slot of that particular level to cast a spell. Enl...