力墙术(Wall of Force) 学派:塑能系[力场];等级:术士/法师5 施法时间:标准动作 成分:语言,动作,材料(石英粉末) 距离:近距(25英尺+5英尺/每2等级) 效果:力墙,范围不超过一个10英尺边长正方形/每等级 持续时间:1轮/每等级 豁免:无;法术抗力:不可 力墙术创造出一道纯力场的隐形墙壁。这堵墙不...
当创造完毕后,徽记将会立刻触发,发出微光并且将门封印,或者展开一道无形的力场屏障,如同力墙术(wall of force)。摧毁徽记将会结束法术效果,不过在摧毁它之前你需要先打破力场墙再说。一旦触发,屏障能维持10分钟每施法者的等级。在绘制封印徽记时,你可以指定一个密码或短语,允许生物说出它来关闭封印以通过入口。你也...
6th (8/day)—heal, word of recall 5th (8/day)—dominate person (DC 27), wall of force 4th (9/day)—black tentacles, greater magic fang 3rd (9/day)—displacement, fly 2nd (9/day)—command undead (DC 24), invisibility 1st (9/day)—mage armor, reduce person (DC 23) 0...
Wall of Force is fantastic at any level Icy Prison my favorite slightly less game breaking as others Save and Still Lose. Planar Binding/Planar Ally are both great at all levels. You can almost always find a use. Enervation is always a solid debuff spell that you can metamagic to ha...
Did I also mention that minotaurs can get the best carrying capacity bonuses of any ancestry? They can carry several allies without much effort. I guess the Minotaur treats the wall as not being there. For their allies, the wall is still very much there. Aesthetic...
Gorum was worshiped by mercenaries and barbarians all across the world, but were most commonly found in lands where conflict and battle are common. These includedBrevoy,Lastwall, theLands of the Linnorm Kings,Nirmathas,Numeria, theRealm of the Mammoth Lords, and theRiver Kingdoms,5and among...
Church of Milani A knight vigilant of theKnights of Lastwallwhose shield bears thereligious symbolof Milani. Her church is generally most popular in areas of intense upheaval such asGalt, theRiver Kingdoms, and parts ofCheliax,1516and generally only gather in small congregations.17In peacetime, ...
is also the country's primary, bustling trade route. According to legend, this river is the perspiration of theCelestial Dragonhimself.1Beyond the Golden River lies the rival successor state ofLingshenwhile, to the west and south, theWall of Heavenmountains cut Quain off from theEmbaral Ocean...
This artificial 4th wall "limit to your abilities for the sake of basking in our art" has no in game explanation and in Ice crown and TBC all we needed was to reach the level to train it. FLYING ADDED TO THE ART and the EXPERIENCE of the game. Now people want to fly because of...
River of Wind, Shadow Conjuration, Solid Fog, Spiritual Ally, Spite, Thirsting Entanglement, Virtuoso Performance, Wall of Fire, Wall of Blindness, Wracking ray, Wrathful Weapon, Fickle Winds, Burst of Force, Corrosive Consumption, Overland Flight, ...