101 3rd Level Spells gives you – yes, you guessed it – 101 3rd level spells, that will help you realize the vision you’ve had for your spellcaster. 101 3rd Level Spells brings a host of new special effects to your character’s spellbook. Wholly compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplayin...
新神術 (New Divine Spells)神術施法者最常獲得神術的方式如下。 升級時獲得法術 (Spells Gained at a New Level)在冒險過程中,神術施法者會做一定量的研究。每當角色在神術上獲得一個新環位時,角色會自動學會該環所有的法術。 獨立研發 (Independent Research)類似於奧術施法者,神術施法者也可以獨立研究法術...
A creature with this ability can use the power of its mind to cast certain spells. Each spe...
He can know up to two spells per spell level from 1st to 9th at any one time (and up to six 0-level spells at any one time), taken from any spell list. When he uses his consume spellcaster ability, he can swap out up to two spells currently known for any two spells known (and...
Character sheets rarely present an elegant way to do this, so Alabaster's player has attached a sheet of loose leaf to his sheet labeled "SPELLBOOK", with all of Alabaster's known spells listed by level. I won't go into how a wizard adds spells to his spellbook, but I will tell you...
Customize your character with a wide range of classes and powers including specialized archetypes, powerful arcane and divine spells, choosing from a multitude of class abilities, skills, and feats. Pathfinder allows players to create heroes (or villains) that fit both their individual gameplay style...
Using metamagic rods to avoid increasing the spell level?Spell Tracker Promakes it easy to track the remaining charges in each rod. It shows you exactly which spells can be enhanced based on whether you have a lesser, standard or greater rod. So you just need to focus on choosing the ri...
@BelgarathMTH you might want to try more debuff and cripple type spells over direct damage. Hideous Laughter is a level 1 spell for a bard, and can take somebody out of the fight for a few rounds. Grease is another good crippler, but you have to be very careful to move your ...
This mod allows for more in game spellbook merging options.It adds merge options for Angel, Aeon, Azata, Demon and TricksterAll of them should be able to get access to their hi
Along the expedition, players will find new character options to bring their wildest characters to life, from newancestrieslike the strongminotauror magicalmerfolk, to awesomespellsand ferocious archetypes, to newanimal companionsand gear forged from the scales and fangs of mythical beasts. GMs can...