防护法术 (Protection from Spells):提供受术者+8的抗力加值。咒法系焚云术(Incendiary Cloud):云雾每轮造成6d6点火焰伤害。迷宫术(Maze):将受术者困在异次元的迷宫中。高等异界誓缚(Planar Binding, Greater):如同次等异界誓缚,但是生命骰最高到18HD。
Level Spells 1 Magic Weapon, Shield, Mage Armor, True Strike, Vanish 2 Mirror Image, Blur, Sense Vitals, +stat spells 3 Haste, Resist Energy (Communal) 4 Animate Dead, Invisibility (Greater), Protection from Energy (Communal) 5 Geniekind, Angelic Aspect, Echolocation 6 Transformation,...
However I don't have a problem with the sort of protection-spell scenario you've described. My group does exactly the same thing. Protection spells might make the party hard to hurt but the spellcaster isn't dominating fights. His spells protect everyone and make the game more enjoyable for...
LevelSpells 1Cure Light, Magic Fang, Unbreakable Heart, Hurricane Bow, Shield of Faith*, Bless* 2Barkskin, Restoration (L), Sense Vitals, Stone Call, Protection from Alignment (C)*, Chameleon Stride 3Magic Fang (G), Delay Poison (C), Resist Energy (C), Protection from Energy (C) ...
Protection Certain types of metals, such asleadanddjezet, can block certain types of radioactive energy more effectively than other materials,258while the spellradiation wardalso provides some protection from its effects.13Spells that cure the effects of poisons also cure the effects of radiation ex...
I'd say it's better for it to be a bit too weak because then players are more likely to accept a GM's adjustment to make it a bit stronger (allowing casting in battle forms or from summons etc). Rather than the GM nerfing their spells so they don't break their game and overshadow...
The affected ally is being granted the effects of Shield, Shield of Faith, Displacement and Resist Fire, Protection From Arrows, Electricity, Cold, Acid, and Sonic spells for one minute per caster level. Cloak of Chaos This is a level 8 spell, that makes the affected allies, resistant to ...
From PathfinderWiki Divination (Arcane school) Specialist Diviner Subschools Scrying Focused arcane Foresight schools Scryer Thassilonian sin Not applicable Spell list Divination spells Source:Core Rulebook, pg(s). 210 Legacy canon content This article contains information of uncertain canon status due...
Like the cleric, a druid is unable to cast spells that rely upon energy from an alignment domain opposed to her own personal ethos or that of her deity.27 Druids have been known to bond with only the cleric domains shown in the table below.26In addition, some druids feel more associate...
Alignment manifests in subtle, but tangible, ways onGolarion. For instance, certainspells, such asdetect chaosorprotection from good, detect or only affect entities of a certain alignment axis.1516[citation needed]Items might be attuned to an alignment axis or specific alignment; a weapon attuned...