From the certified cool-stuff addicts at Weta Workshop comes Figures of Fandom: a new generation of collectibles featuring iconic characters from Apex Legends. Meet Pathfinder.
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Pathfinder est un automate Marvin ayant pour objectif de retrouver son créateur. Il espère attirer son attention en participant aux Jeux Apex.
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Its broadcloth fabric type ensures durability, so you can enjoy your favorite Apex Legends design for seasons to come. The four-season adaptability means you can wear it year-round, making it a staple in your gaming attire. **A Tribute to Apex Legends** This T-shirt is not just a piece...
Here are the best Pathfinder skins in Apex Legends. As an MRVN (Mobile Robotic Versatile eNTity), Pathfinder’s on a quest to discover his creator. Pathfinder is a robot on a mission. With his unique insider knowledge, he’s tasked with getting the team out of trouble. When you l...
Have fun! Don't die! Jump into the arena now with the Apex Legends™ - Pathfinder Edition. The Pathfinder Edition includes: • Exclusive Legendary "Full Metal Robot" Pathfinder Skin • Exclusive Legendary "First Blood" Havoc Skin • Exclusi